Author Archives: Louise Savoie

Enhancing Communication with Dementia Sufferers Through Reminiscence Therapy

Caring for a family member with dementia can be both challenging and heart-wrenching, especially when communication becomes difficult. One effective method to bridge this communication gap is reminiscence therapy, a technique that helps...

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Can Coffee Help Prevent Alzheimer’s? Exploring the Role of Caffeine

For those in midlife, maintaining cognitive health and preventing Alzheimer’s disease is increasingly important. Emerging research suggests that your daily cup of coffee might do more than just wake you up, it could also help protect your...

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Alarming Truth: Women’s Risk for Alzheimer’s Is Double That of Men

Alzheimer’s disease, a progressive brain disorder, poses a significant threat to cognitive health, especially among women. Research highlights a startling fact: women are twice as likely as men to develop Alzheimer's. For those in midlife,...

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How to Use Visual Aids and Cues to Enhance Communication with...

Communicating with a loved one who has dementia can be challenging, but visual aids and cues can significantly enhance understanding and interaction. Here’s how to effectively use visual tools to improve communication with dementia...

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The Power of Touch: Communicating Affection and Reassurance to Dementia Patients

In the intricate journey of caring for a loved one with dementia, communication often becomes a challenge. Words may falter, memories might blur, but the power of touch remains a potent and effective tool in bridging the gap. Here’s why touch is...

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Using Music and Art to Communicate with Dementia Patients

Communicating with a loved one who has dementia can be challenging, but incorporating music and art into your interactions can open new pathways for connection and understanding. The Power of Music Music taps into deep emotional...

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