Author Archives: Louise Savoie

Enhancing Communication: The Advantages of Speech Therapy for the Elderly

As we age, our communication abilities can often decline, leading to challenges in expressing ourselves and understanding others. This is where speech therapy can be a game-changer for seniors, offering a beacon of hope and improvement in their...

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Grief: Tips for Helping Seniors Cope with Loss

Grief is a universal experience, yet it can be particularly challenging for seniors. As they face the loss of spouses, peers, or even their independence, seniors may struggle with intense feelings of sadness, loneliness, and confusion. Here are...

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How Millennials Can Reduce the Risk of Dementia: A Practical Guide

In an era where health consciousness is on the rise, millennials are increasingly aware of the long-term implications of their lifestyle choices. Dementia, a concern usually associated with older age, actually begins with habits formed in earlier...

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Smooth Sailing: Navigating the Shift from Work to Retirement

Transitioning from a busy work life to retirement can be like navigating a ship from the high seas into the calm waters of a serene bay. It's a significant shift that requires adjustment and planning. Retirement isn't just a change in your work...

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When is the Right Time for In-home Care?

Deciding to introduce in-home care for a loved one can be challenging. It's a delicate balance between respecting their independence and ensuring their safety and well-being. Here are key indicators that it might be time to consider in-home...

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Keeping Loved Ones Active at Home

Staying active is vital for health and happiness, especially for seniors or those who spend much time at home. Regular physical and mental activities can boost mood, improve health, and enhance the overall quality of life. Here are some ways to keep...

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