Author Archives: Louise Savoie

Effective Sensory Activities for Elderly Dementia Patients

Sensory experiences play a crucial role in the quality of life for seniors with dementia, who often face a decline in their sensory functions as part of the aging process. This blog explores various sensory stimulation activities that can help...

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Unraveling the Mysteries of Delirium in the Elderly

Delirium is a sudden change in brain function, affecting the elderly's ability to think, remember, and make decisions. This condition is often mistaken for dementia but differs significantly due to its rapid onset and potentially reversible...

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Caring for Elderly Skin: Insights into Bruising

As our loved ones age, their skin undergoes several changes, becoming thinner, less elastic, and more susceptible to bruises. Understanding and caring for senior skin, particularly when it comes to bruising, is essential for maintaining their health...

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How Hearing Loss Intersects with Dementia

In recent years, the correlation between hearing loss and an increased risk of dementia has gained significant attention within the medical community. This short blog aims to unpack the crucial insights from the latest research on this topic,...

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Top 5 Blunders to Dodge Post-50: Thriving in Your Golden Years

Entering the golden years can be a time of exploration, growth, and relaxation. However, certain missteps can hinder the enjoyment and quality of life during this period. Here are the top five blunders to avoid after age 50, ensuring you thrive and...

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Assessing the Risks of Air Pollution to Elderly Health

Air pollution is a pervasive environmental issue with profound health implications, especially for the elderly. This age group is particularly vulnerable to the detrimental effects of polluted air due to often having pre-existing health conditions...

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